2007 - Ben Stein

Ben Stein has led a colorful career, including speechwriter and lawyer for Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. He has been a columnist and editorial writer for The Wall Street Journal, a syndicated columnist for The Los Angeles Herald Examiner and a frequent contributor to Barron’s. He currently writes a regular column for The New York Times.

Mr. Stein is author of How to Ruin Your Financial Life; Yes, You Can Time the Market; and Can America Survive?: The Rage of the Left, the Truth and What to Do About It, co-authored with Phil DeMuth. His most recent books are The Gift of Peace: Guideposts on the Road to Serenity, and Yes, You Can Become a Successful Investor! Reaching for Yield in Today‘s Market, again co-authored with Phil DeMuth.

Note – charts were not specifically referred to by Mr. Stein in his presentation, but are added here for illustrative purposes.


2008 - Jeff Greenfield


2006 (& 2012) - Jeremy Siegel